Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mr Helpful

I am sure this will all end soon, but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts. Griffin has been so cooperative and sweet lately. Pretty much doing everything I need him to in a relatively timely manner. We have been working on a lot of new things too. We have been having him practice dressing himself more, and he is finally getting the hang of it. He wants to do more things independently so we are working on making his bed, brushing his hair and teeth, clearing his plates from the table, packing his backpack for school, and buckling and unbuckling himself from his carseat. In some ways it takes more time, but I am hoping that soon it will save me some time. He is really proud of himself. Today he helped me feed and water some of our plants. He insisted on filling up the water pitcher ("after you put the poison in"= AKA plant food) and dragging it around the yard himself. It is nice to have a little helper rather than fighting with him on every issue.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I think he's reaching 4 and it will get easier from here. Let's all hope. We're having moments of brilliance too, I will take it in whatever quantities they're doling out!

The poison thing CRACKED me up. I am so glad you write this stuff down.