Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chapter books and cocktails

Last week I decided to start reading some simple chapter books to Griffin. He has seemed bored with some of his other books and has memorized so much of them. I didn't really know where to start so I found this worksheet from a previous mom's group presentation that had Top 20 Chapter Books for Children from Read Aloud VA. I picked one called Dominic because it was about a dog and supposed to be good for younger children. It has been an interesting experience. The first night we started reading it and I realized that some of the vocabulary (ubiquitous?) were a little more challenging for the average 3 year old. I have simplified some of the pages in the story and Griffin is enjoying hearing the big boy books. Last night Brent was the one reading to him. After he finished up, he came downstairs and said, "Great book you picked out for our son" with the slightest hint of sarcasm. When we had left off the previous night, Griffin and I were reading about how Dominic had a visit with a sick pig. Apparently in the next chapter, Dominic and the pig drink brandy and the sick pig dies. Griffin was concerned about why the drink was burning Dominic's throat. Oh well, maybe not the best book. Thanks to Julie I have some suggestions for what we may try next...Nate the Great and Frog and Toad series.


Three Girls and a Daddy said...

Henry and Mudge books would be great for him too. They are about a boy, a dog, and their adventures together. :)

J. Chapman said...

OOPS - Julie was the one to recommend that book list too. Sorry. he he he