Monday, December 22, 2008

Exciting morning

Today right before I was scheduled to go to the gym (for the first time all week), Griffin slammed his fingers in the car door. He was majorly upset and cried forever. His middle finger was really swollen at the first knuckle and started to turn blue. So we cancelled the gym and ended up at Patient First. Luckily he was easily distracted by the people working there and mesmerized by the x-ray machine. Gray had some stickers to keep him busy. So one hour later, we have one very swollen and bruised (but not broken) finger and a much happier boy. We made it just in time to hit McDonalds and meet the contractor at the house we are looking at.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pageant pics

Today Griffin participated in his first Christmas pageant at church. His age group were the angels and they sang, "Away in a Manger". Here is my little angel (HA HA) before the pageant. A cute pic of Griffin's friend, Annabelle.
The kids up in front of the church. It was pretty funny to watch them try to stand still.

A quick shot of Griffin and I. He was very ready to be done at this point.
A quick line up of the angels in their costumes.

Truly a Vol Fan

Gray probably has an equal amount of Vandy and TN gear to wear. But I personally think we have a Vol fan on our hands. After all, why else would he keep going up to our tree and take off the Tennessee Volunteers football ornament? Just thought this picture was cute in light of him wearing his Vandy sweatshirt yesterday.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Not Getting It

This year Griffin and Gray received a nice card and gift from our friends, Teresa and David and their girls, Annabelle and Adaline. The gift was from the church's Mission Mall and it was a hammer given in their honor. I gave Griffin the card (and he was VERY excited about the hammer) but tried to explain to him the purpose of the Mission Mall and the gift. He just kept asking when he could touch the hammer and check it out. Later that evening we had a rehearsal for the Christmas pageant at church. I made a comment about how Griffin should tell Annabelle "thank you" for the gift. At the practice Teresa came up to me laughing and said that Griffin marched up to here and said, "Why did you buy me a hammer and then give it someone else?". Not quite getting it:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas program

Here is a little video from Griffin's Christmas program on Wednesday. He is pretty easy to find- front row center.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cute comments and feeling guilty

Just read some of my friends' blogs and already I am feeling guilty. First of all, Lori wrote that she has never had to put her kids in time-out in their house. Griffin is in time-out at LEAST 2 times a day. And let's not talk about all the notes and negative reports that our head-strong child has received home lately. And Jessica is doing an organic food co-op...yeah, we had KFC tonight. Since I have been sick lately, I can barely stand to cook. So KFC it was. The cute comment was when Gray looked at the picture of Colonel Sanders and said, "Santa" over and over.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Brunch with Santa

On Saturday Brent and I took the kids to have Brunch with Santa at the botanical gardens. It turned out really well. It was very organized and not too crowded. They had an awesome buffet with salad, shrimp and grits, french toast, pork and rice, and all kinds of kiddie foods. They also had a chocolate fondue fountain which Griffin loved. Here are some shots of the day- we had a hard time getting the boys to cooperate at the same time:) Santa arrived about halfway through the brunch.

Up until Saturday, Gray had been afraid of Santa. But he did really well- Santa just casually walked from table to table to get pictures and talk with the kids. No pressure to sit on his lap at all. Gray had fun with it and even learned how to say, "Santa", which he now says incessantly.

Griffin was more than happy to tell Santa all about what he wanted for Christmas. He also wanted to know where Santa parked the sleigh. Apparently Mrs Claus dropped Santa off and was coming back later to pick him up.
The best attempt at a family shot.
The boys sitting with Santa at the end of the brunch. This was the best we could get.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

A BIG THANK YOU to my friend, Carrie, for having a gingerbread decorating party at her house this morning for all of the kids. It was a lot of fun, and she was pretty amazing to let that many kids have icing all over her house:) Griffin is hard at work on his house (notice the tongue out as he is concentrating, just like his Daddy).
Gray with his house.

Here is a pic of Meghan and Kaleigh working on their houses. Or in Meghan's case, eating all the decorating supplies:)
Here is a shot of all the adorable creations that the kids made. I think they came out really well, and they are completely edible too:)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Getting in the Christmas spirit

Griffin has wanted to have our Christmas tree put up for awhile now, but we finally got around to it this weekend. We got the tree and lights up last night, but it was late so the ornaments had to wait until today. Here are the boys in their coordinating holiday outfits.
I thought Gray looks pretty snazzy in his plaid pants.

After we got the tree decorated, Brent got out the North Pole Express. The boys were completely mesmerized by the train again this year.
It is a pretty fascinating train with working elves and smoke puffing from the top.
They just stood and stared at the train forever. It is definitely one of the highlights of their Christmas holiday.

Friday, December 5, 2008

TV conversations

Today we were driving and Griffin said that he saw a cactus. I asked if it had prickly spines on it. Then he elaborated from there..."yeah, and it had red berries to make it look beautiful, and I am pretty sure I saw a chinchilla on the branches. Because you know chincillas love to climb on branches".

Another conversation involved the different kinds of teeth we have in our mouths and what shape they are. There are ones that are round, pointy ones called canines, and front ones shaped like rectangles. I recognized it from a recent episode of Sid the Science Kid.

Last night he defined the word, camouflage, as meaning "to hide". When I asked him where he learned that, he said, "Diego". I am pretty sure he has been watching a bit too much tv.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lights at the Botanical Gardens

On Tuesday night we took Mimi to the Festival of Lights at the botanical gardens. It has become one of our favorite holiday activities. Here is Mimi with Griffin outside.
The four of us under one of the snowflake arches.

They have a great train display inside which the boys both loved. Gray was very captivated by it this year.
The conservatory with the butterfly lights.
Griffin loved the spiders.
A pic of the boys inside the conservatory. It was absolutely beautiful with all of the flowers.

After the conservatory we went to the children's garden and roasted marshmallows for S'mores. It was a nice ending to a great night.