Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cute comments and feeling guilty

Just read some of my friends' blogs and already I am feeling guilty. First of all, Lori wrote that she has never had to put her kids in time-out in their house. Griffin is in time-out at LEAST 2 times a day. And let's not talk about all the notes and negative reports that our head-strong child has received home lately. And Jessica is doing an organic food co-op...yeah, we had KFC tonight. Since I have been sick lately, I can barely stand to cook. So KFC it was. The cute comment was when Gray looked at the picture of Colonel Sanders and said, "Santa" over and over.


Jessica said...

Yeah but my kid can't talk and yours can. It's all about baaaaaalance!

Anonymous said...

I said we don't put them in time-out, not that they don't need it at times. We have just found that spanking and taking priveleges away works better for them! Seriously, Griffin talks like a grown-up, it seems! I don't think I've ever said Congratulations! I just heard your news over Thanksgiving, but mom and Has didn't think you'd been sick this time. There is nothing wrong with KFC occasionally! I don't cook when J's gone for dinner because my girls don't eat enough to make it worth my time! I make them corndogs or fast-food. You are a wonderful mom! See you next week!

Jenny said...

Oh Amanda...Jack is in time out ALL.THE.TIME....probably more than time spent elsewhere in this house! You are such a good mommy!!!!!!