Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Griffin is 6

Yesterday was Griffin's birthday. Here are some pictures from the last few days. On Monday we made Star Wars cookies for his party on Saturday. Griffin really got into it and did a great job rolling the dough, cutting the cookies, and putting them on a tray. He was also very excited to wear his Jedi Master hat that Grandma and Grandpa sent him in the mail. Posing with the Yoda cookie cutter.
Yesterday at breakfast, he opened up his Storm Trooper helmet. A quick hug from Daddy before he headed off to work.

We went blackberry picking with some friends. You know that he HAD to wear the helmet in the car. I wonder what other drivers thought of this.
Meghan and Gray were great little buddies and did a great job berry picking.
Ashby did a great job eating the berries and ruining an outfit:)
The kids had a little snack picnic after we finished picking berries.

A cute pic of Anna, Kaleigh, Annabelle, and Eliza.
Ashby discovered that she LOVES popcorn.

Gray as a storm trooper.
Last night we went to dinner and came back to let Griffin open up his presents. He was so excited.

A big hug to his brother for giving him a cool birthday present.

Friday, July 23, 2010


We had VBS at our church this past week. We had a good time. The theme was Galactic Blast so there was a lot on space which the boys loved. One day they took pictures of the kids to put in these picture frames they made in art. Griffin apparently REFUSED to get his picture taken. Later on I was able to get him to participate but only by letting him do it his way. Oh my...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Little helpers

In the morning the boys love to get the newspaper for me. Usually they do it as a relay team- one goes all the way down the hill while the other waits at the light post. Then they do the trade off. It is cute to see them do it in their jammies and crocs every morning.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Gray swimming

Here is some video of Gray jumping in and swimming. Big boy!

Griffin and diving board video

Here is some video of Griffin going off the diving board today.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Quick beach trip

On Monday we went to Yorktown Beach. It was a super hot day but we had a great time. Just a quick drive up, played in the water, ate lunch, and left when the kids got tired. Here are some pictures.

Father's Day

I have been bad about blogging lately, but here is a picture from Father's Day weekend. We have another broken camera that has been sent back, so we don't have too many pictures lately. This may be one of the best pictures we have of all 3 kids.