Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Princess and her loyal subjects

Well the queen of our house may be 36, but the princess turned 9 months old today. Here is a quick pick of her in her tiara. She really liked it by the way. Last night the kids took me to Mom Siam Thai for dinner. They made me breakfast in bed this morning.
A few shots of the kids before they got their picture with the Easter Bunny. Grandma got Gray his handsome outfit.
Ashby and Daddy
The Belding boys.
We are super excited about this weekend. The weather is supposed to be awesome- temps in the 80s. We have our playgroup Easter Egg hunt on Saturday. Sunday we have church and are having lunch with some friends. Should be a great time:)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Little girl

Here are a few random pictures of Ashby in the last week. It is hard to believe that she is already 8 months old. Time is flying by quickly. The first picture is of her and a baby doll. Gray was given this doll for his birthday last year so he could get used to the idea of having a baby sister. Ashby was playing on the floor, and I put the doll next to her. She really seemed to like it. She flipped over and pinned the doll down. Then she was kind of scooting around and dragging the doll along with her. It was pretty cute. This is a picture of Ashby and Grandma after church last week.
And a picture of Ashby and me after church this morning. She has only worn this dress twice now so I thought I would get a picture of her in it. It is pretty cute and she tries to eat the tulle on the skirt the entire time.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

super hero potty training

So I am attempting to reintroduce potty training to Gray. He is not doing so well, but he doesn't seem to mind trying. Today he said he wanted to put on his "wonderwear" instead of a diaper. Making some progress.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Today Griffin kept asking what he could have for dessert after he ate all of his lunch. I wasn't sure what he wanted to I named a few things...birthday cake, cereal bar, etc. Finally he asks, "Do we have any of those honks left?". I wasn't sure what he meant so he said, "you know, those marshmallow candy things for Easter". He is now eating a blue Marshmallow honk (AKA Peep).

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Gray's Dinosaur Breakfast Party

Today we had a dinosaur breakfast birthday party for Gray's 3d birthday. All the kids were supposed to come in their favorite pajamas and be at our house at 9 AM for breakfast. Gray was really excited and wanted to check out all the party supplies. Here is a picture of his Trex birthday cake.
Teresa thought the adults were supposed to wear their pjs too, so she wore her Hugh Hefner pajamas. She was a good sport:)
Some of the kids in their pjs. I tried to get shots of almost everyone who came.
Gray and his girlfriend, Meghan. She wore special birthday cupcake pajamas.
Griffin with our neighbors, Syd and William.
Mister Sam (love his paid for price tag sticker)
Vincent, a friend from Gray's preschool class
Ashe liked the waffles and jumped right in.
Cool Gray
Sam, Gray, and Adaline
Jase didn't really want his picture taken at all so this is my best shot
A quick shot with Mom
Getting ready for cake!
Two very eager little boys waiting for cake
Gray wasn't too sure about trying the cake
Griffin loved it
After the party we spent some time outdoors. It was almost 60 and beautiful. Here is a great shot of Grandma with Ashby.
Grandma with the 3 kids- notice and be amazed that all 3 are facing the camera.
The kids had fun on their bikes. Gray is wearing one his new shirt and Crocs that he got for his birthday.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Creative (or not so much creative) parenting

Today was another day where I look forward to picking the boys up at school and Griffin has a note taped to him. Not in his hand or backpack, but TAPED to him. This is what it said, "Griffin brought a pen to school for Show and Tell. He drew on Dunning's shoe so he did not get to participate in Show and Tell. Griffin threw away this note so I threw away the pen. It was a Dyco Insurance pen". I don't know why I thought this was so funny. Maybe one because I didn't even know he had Show and Tell today (normally it is on Friday and today is Thursday) much less that he had a pen in his backpack. Second that he threw the note away, got busted, and had it taped to the front of his shirt. I didn't really know how to punish him. So I ended up making him copy the sentence, "I will not draw on shoes", a few times. It took him FOREVER since he hates writing, but I figure it also reinforces his letter identification and reading skills. He must have liked it. Every time he has gotten in trouble this evening, he asks when he can write more sentences about it.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the Alphabet Book

Griffin's class always does some really cool projects. Today he came home with an alphabet book where the kids had to think of things that started with a certain letter and draw them. Drawing is not Griffin's strong suit but he did pretty well. Here is a picture of the front cover. This is Griffin's page. He is in the top left corner and it says, Griffin and the gecko. He had little drawings on several of the pages. His contributions were C is for cross, D is for dungeon, G is for gift, I is for igloo, J is for jelly bean, K is for king cobra, M is for mountains, T is for triceratops and tent. All of the kids came up with some really creative ideas and pictures.

Happy Birthday Gray

Today was Gray's 3rd birthday, and I think he had a great day. We took in some dinosaur cupcakes for his preschool class to have and help him celebrate. On his way to his birthday dinner, I tried to get him to show me 3 fingers. This is what we ended up with. He is working on it.
For dinner he wanted to go to Chuckee Cheese. He and Griffin spent a lot of time on this Jet Rider game.
My boys- Griffin was so excited that it was Gray's birthday today.
Gray with Mommy.
Gray with Daddy.
He really liked Skeeball.
Aunt Shari and the gang called and sang Happy Birthday to him while we were there. His face just lit up.
At home opening presents and wearing his birthday crown from school. He got some trio blocks, Giraffe-a-laff Limbo, Lightning McQueen Color Wonder pages, and a cool pair of Batman pjs that have a cape. He loved the jammies and wore them tonight. I think he had a fun day:)