Sunday, December 30, 2007

2400 miles but who's counting?

We are finally back! This Christmas has been a memorable one for so many reasons. We had a nice time but it has been exhausting too. We calculated that we put 2400 miles on the car in just 9 days. That's right- 2400 miles with a 3 year old and 9 month old strapped in their carseats.

Last Thursday we drove to Indianapolis to be with Brent's family for a few days. We got there on Friday around lunch time and time just flew by. We had the viewing for Brent's grandfather at the funeral home that evening. I was a little worried about Griffin handling it, but he was more curious than anything about seeing Great-Grandpa. The next day we had the funeral and burial. The service was very sad in spite of the fact that Grandpa wanted a "party" complete with the Purdue Fight Song and the Hallelujah Chorus. The graveside service was nice. The cemetary was very historic and beautiful. The grandkids and great-grandkids released red helium balloons into the sky at the end of the service. It was a sweet moment. Griffin even remarked that his balloon was "floating to heaven to be with Great-Grandpa". I wish we could have had more time to visit with his family under happier circumstances but I was glad to be there with them too.

Then we were on to Tupelo for Christmas. The drive there from Indy was by far the worst. Most of it was day driving which ended up being lots of Griffin asking "are we there yet?" and Gray fussing. This is why we drive at night. Anyway our time in Tupelo was nice and relaxing. My aunt Ann and uncle Ray were there to spend a few days with everyone. We did the Christmas eve service at my parent's church. Then it was on to opening Christmas presents in the morning (we made it to 7 AM), eating ourselves silly, playing card games, and sitting. The next few days were more eating, card games, shopping, and a quick road trip into Memphis. There we met up with my brother and his fiance and my friend, Rebecca, and two of her daughters for lunch at Bhan Thai. Great food!

We drove home on Friday and Saturday and made remarkable timing. We stopped in Abington and everyone slept from midnight to 8 Am- a true miracle when you have 2 adults, 2 kids, and an Italian Greyhound in the same hotel room. We had some funny memories that will stick with us.
1. Griffin falling asleep on my lap during the Christmas eve service at church. I couldn't even wake him up to do the Silent Night candle. And he loves blowing out candles:)
2. Watching the Bret Michaels (of Poison fame) reality show, Rock of Love, on VHI with Aunt Allie. I can't believe I actually heard him say that he hoped one contestant would "stick around and rock my world" as he handed her a backstage pass.
3. Playing musical sleep arrangements with the boys. Gray in the walk-in closet and Griffin on the pull-out sofa in my parents' room.
4. Chasing Griffin around a gas station in Athens, TN while he was running around in footed pajamas at 9 PM. Some drunk college guys thought he was hilarious. I couldn't catch him but he was pretty funny.
5. Griffin going to work with Papa. They made their 3 stops each time- the post office, bank, and to Papa's work. He loved it!
Anyway we are back! Happy New Year- let's hope 2008 is just as fun!

Thursday, December 20, 2007


We got some sad news yesterday. Brent's grandfather passed away on Wednesday morning. He had a stroke about 2 weeks ago and had been in hospice care, so it wasn't unexpected. But it is still a sad moment for the family. I have been trying to explain some of it to Griffin. He knows that Grandpa is in heaven with God. He is trying to make sense of it. Some cute things he said were that Great-Grandpa would have to take "large steps to get to Heaven" and there would be a "large feet noise". Occasionally he says that he hopes Great-Grandpa will get better soon and not be in the hospital anymore. When I told him that Grandpa was not going to get better, he said, "well I will just say a pray for him". Very sweet.
So we are heading to Indy today so we can be at the funeral. Our plans have changed a bit. We will then just head onto Mississippi to see my family. In some ways it will be better since we will have some time with both sides of the family and not be as rushed for Christmas. It is very bittersweet. Griffin and I made a note for Santa this morning. After all Santa has to know where to bring the boys' presents. Merry Christmas and we'll be back in a few weeks!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So Happy Together

I caught the boys playing in the Tupperware cabinet today. They were having a grand old time. Griffin enjoyed his strainer helmet and Gray was just happy to have someone to play with.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Gingerbread House

It seems we got infected with the stomach bug that has been going around. I got it anyway and was sick most of Saturday. The boys seem fine so far, although, Griffin has been on an eating strike for the past few days. But at least he is not throwing up, so I can't complain.

Today Griffin and I put together a gingerbread house. He had fun with it. It was pretty easy except the icing was super stiff. That worked well to put together big pieces, but it was hard to work with for outlining windows and doors. We actually got more candy on the house than in Griffin's tummy so I thought that was a good sign. He was doing so well that I took the boys to the local coffee shop to have lunch with a friend. That is when things fell apart. He refused to eat, but he just complained the entire time about wanting a snack (read: scone or cupcake) or a drink. I just held my ground, but ended up carrying both boys out one under each arm. Then I put him down for his nap. He took a short one and woke up in a royally pissed-off mood. That lead to screaming that then woke up his younger brother. I was ready to kill him.

The one funny thing that he did today was an almost "spoken-word" dramatic interpretation of Frosty the Snowman. It started off at breakfast. He was talking about what he liked to eat. It went like this (think beat poet performance)...

G: I like waffles. And Frosty likes waffles too. Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul. He had a corn pipe and button nose and two eyes made out of coal. Then he got a magic hat that made him come to life one day.

Gray is really moving around more. Pulling up on all kinds of things and holding on for dear life. He is kind of top heavy but he is getting the hang of it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Today was Griff's last day of preschool before Christmas break. When I went to pick him up from the drop-off room, he wasn't in there. Apparently he was playing around and climbing on a chair and fell off. When he fell, his tooth hit his lower lip. So now he looks a little like Rocky after a boxing match. When I first went to get him, he wouldn't even come to me because he was so upset. Then he wouldn't let me put ice on his lip or take any of his school bags. He has been so over-tired that he just lost it. Anyway we finally made it home and cleaned him up. Then he ate a popsicle so that may help with the swelling. He did bring home some fun gifts from his teacher and his friends. And he made his daddy and I something but I am waiting for Brent to come home before I open it. Here are some pictures of Griffin with the gingerbread plate that he painted the other day. He was happy to see that I picked it up so we can make some cookies to put on it. So that seems to be on the schedule for this afternoon.

Born in a stable, yes Lord

Yesterday we had the Christmas program up at preschool. We weren't entirely sure we were going to make it. The night before Griffin threw up all over our car. It was one of those vomit scenes from a horror movie except he didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. He ate some dinner and just went to bed without any issues. We weren't sure if he should go to school, but he woke up singing, "BORN IN A STABLE, YES LORD" at the top of his lungs, so we thought he was feeling okay. The program was pretty cute. Griffin's age group just stood up and sang a few songs and then the rest of the program was left to the older kids. I got smart and ordered a DVD of the performance this time, because even though we were only 5 rows back, it is hard to see what the kids are doing. Griffin was pretty excited that we both got to come and see him sing. I am going to try to add some video for you to see. In this other pic, you can see Griffin in the foreground sitting in the pew after his songs were done.

Just a Peachy Family

Today I took Griffin and Gray to a woman's house to be babysat. My friend, Joey, also took her girls so they would have someone to play with, and then Joey and I went to lunch. Yay for the moms. We also made sure we ate at a pretty kid-unfriendly place! Anyway Griffin loved the babysitter's house and did not want to go home. The lady, Jackie, said that Griffin and her son, Joshua, hit it off. When we were getting into the car, Griffin says, "I'm yellow, but Joshua is brown". (Background info: Josh is biracial) So I say, "well you are kind of peachy, and yes, Joshua is more brown". Then I tell him that we are different colors just like our hair and eyes are different colors from everyone elses. He was mulling that over when he decided that "Mommy, you are peachy. Daddy is peachy. Gray is peachy. We are just a peachy family". He has been saying that last part at random points during the day. He also noticed that Joshua has a certain private part that is brown since he saw Joshua trying to use the pottty. It was the first time he has mentioned anything like this before. His favorite friend at preschool is also biracial but he has never mentioned anything about his skin color. Maybe he does not see it the same way...

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Funny comment and Advent

We were on our way to church this morning when Griffin gave us another one of his priceless comments. We were driving when his sweet little voice says, "I love you, Mommy". So I say, "I love you too, buddy". Then Griffin follows that up with pointing to his father and then saying, "And his name is Brent". Not exactly what daddy was hoping to hear next.

Our family got to light the candle on the Advent wreath today. I was pretty nervous, but it went well. Right before we were getting ready to walk behind the choir, Griffin decided to throw a mini-tantrum and did not want to go. We gave in and let him carry this lacing board toy from the children's quiet bag. It worked:) We had a lot to juggle between carrying Gray, holding a microphone and a hymnal, lighting a candle, and keeping Griffin in check. The associate minister told us to just let "Griffin run around and do whatever he wants to do" once he was up at the alter. Her point was that he probably couldn't get into too much trouble. Not sure about that, but he did decide to cooperate. He even spoke into the microphone and said his "We light this candle as a symbol of peace" line. The feedback we got from most people was that it went well adn that we are brave for putting a microphone in front of a 3-year-old.

The Storm Troopers Invade McArthur

Saturday was a nice little family day which was much-needed. I think we have had some weeks where we see Brent for maybe 12 hours over the course of a whole week including a weekend, so this was a special treat for us to all be together. Our neighborhood had a small little Christmas festival called Christmas on McArthur on Saturday. We had pretty warm weather so we just got the kids in the stroller and checked it out. They blocked off the street and set up vendors everywhere. It was fun- they had free hot cider, hot chocolate, and brownies. We finally got Griffin to try hot chocolate. I know it sounds weird, but he has been paranoid that we are going to try to burn his mouth on purpose. Of course, by the time he actually took a sip it was "lukewarm chocolate", but he liked it anyway. Christmas on McArthur had a lot going on. The marines were there to collect toys for Toys For Tots. There was a fire truck, Santa, live music, people playing bag pipes, and let's not forget...the Storm Troopers from Star Wars. I mean, what's Christmas without a few Storm Troopers? Not sure why they were there, but the kids loved it.

We also went to a pottery painting place called Paint and Play up at the mall. I had been planning on taking Griffin for awhile but it never seemed to work out, so we all went this time. We painted a plate to put cookies on for Santa (our family project) and Griffin painted a little gingerbread man plate. He did a pretty good job, but towards the end, the gingerbread man looked like he was dressed in camouflage. Griffin had a good time and was much more focused than I thought he would be. His favorite part was picking out more bottles of paint to use. Gray enjoyed playing with paper under the table-hey, it kept him busy!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mmmm, leftovers

We had meatball sandwiches for dinner the other night, and Gray loved them. I gave him some more last night and took some pictures this time. He was just grabbing at the plate- he was serious about this food. I guess he is dying for some flavor after a few months of bland baby food. I hope I can get the stains out of this white shirt. I am hopeful;)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I think one cool thing about having Griffin turn three is that you can get a better sense of what kind of person he will be someday. He is silly and loves to make jokes and make us laugh. Not that I get all of what he is doing. Like when he sings, "Yankee Doodle went to poopie riding on a potty". But I think it is pretty creative.

Anyway for some time now he has been concerned with the homeless people he sees off the ramp at the interstate. He calls them the "sad man" and the "sad lady". I had to explain awhile back that the "sad lady" may not have a home or a warm bed to sleep in. At night he adds her to his prayers and also says thank you to God for our house and his bed. When we pass the homeless people on the street, he always tries to think of what we can do to help them. It is very sweet and compassionate. The other day we did not see the sad lady at the ramp, and he said, "Oh good, the sad lady is happy now because she is at her house". We have brought bottled water for the sad lady before and I just need to remember to bring some food sometime. I know he would love to help her out.

Some Firsts

Here is Griffin all ready for the SEC game on Saturday. At the last minute he decide to accesorize with my shoes. Well they are cute...

There are some firsts going around at our house. One, Gray is finally getting his first tooth. So far it is just a really sharp edge, but after what seems like 4 months of teething, we are finally getting somewhere. And two, Griffin has learned to go potty standing up like a big boy. His aim is actually quite good (thank goodness) but he hasn't quite learned how to put the seat back down. I guess I am in for years of training in that area.

This past Sunday evening I took the boys to Create and Celebrate up at church. It is a family arts and crafts time followed by a worship service and dinner. It is the start of the Advent season. Brent had to be fly to Salt Lake City that afternoon, so I took the boys myself. Griffin and I had a great time doing the art projects together. Dinner went pretty well too. I was kind of worried about how to handle both of them on my own, but I had plenty of help and they boys were good. After dinner the boys got to visit with the Legendary Santa (also knows as "creepy looking Santa" for any non-Richmonders). Griffin told him that he wants Edward (a train) and some girl trains. Here is a video of the boys on Santa's lap.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Children's Museum

Last weekend we took both boys to the Children's Museum. They just recently added a dinosaur exhibit where you can ride on the dinosaurs or dig for fossils. They also have a dinosaur slide and you can hide it dinosaur eggs. Both boys had a great time and we got some cute pictures.

We love our doggie

For any of you who have met our dog wonder, Elvis, you know how skittish he is. He has come along way from the rescue dog we adopted 4 years ago. When we first got him, he wouldn't even take a treat from us and wanted little to do with us. Now he is a different dog. His favorite spot is on the couch curled up into a little circle, but he is also "playing" a little bit with the boys. If Griffin calls him to camp out under the dining room table, Elvis will usually jump off the couch and go hang out with him. Since it has gotten colder, we decided to break out Elvis' doggie jammies. He loves them. Gray really likes them too. I can't believe Elvis let Gray get a hold on him.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

That's Bisgusting!

All of the sudden Griffin is changing the way he pronounces some words. Lately it seems that his Ds and even his Ms are becoming Bs. So we now have "bisgusting", "bessert", and "bosquito". He used to say them correctly but he is going for a new sound I guess. Another funny Griffinism is "banilla wipers" for Vanilla Wafers, and he loves "naple syrup" on his pancakes.

This morning in the car Griffin was talking about his Papa. Very sweet, I know. He is excited to see him for Christmas. But then he started talking about playing with Papa and his jeep. I am assuming this is Griffin's toy jeep since Papa does not have a jeep. Anyway he said that Papa "likes to spit on my jeep" to get the wheels clean. Apparently it makes him very happy when Papa gets the jeep clean. So Papa...are you really spitting on his jeep?

The boys got a fabulous electric Christmas train as an early gift from their Grandma and Grandpa. Both boys love watching it and would probably do so for hours. The train is very cool- it has real smoke that puffs out of the smokestack and the little eleves "work" to get the train to go. It is entertaining but very loud. Here is some video of this marvelous present that we are sure to enjoy for years to come.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving! The celebration was a little different this year because we didn't travel and decided to just have Thanksgiving at home with the four of us. It was kind of quiet at times, but it was great to have the time together as a family. And it was definitely nice to have Brent home for a change without wondering when he was going to have to go back into work.

We had a few firsts for us- our first time to use our china (after 7 years we figured it was time) and our first time to cook Thanksgiving dinner. It was nice to just cook for a few people to get some practice before we would host for a bigger group someday. I decided to brine the turkey overnight since I had heard so much about that. It was relatively easy- you just soak the turkey in a solution of water, salt, brown sugar, sliced lemons and oranges, onions, and garlic. Then in the morning, you just roast the turkey as usual. We also made stuffing, squash casserole, Rachel Ray's green beans (very good), and pumpkin pie. There is still a ton of food leftover, but that is just how it goes. Griffin was very excited about eating turkey. He kept saying, "I never saw anything like this before. I love turkey".

While I was cooking, Brent and Griffin went outside and did some yardwork. We had a ton of leaves on our deck and in the backyard. Griffin had a great time jumping in the leaf piles (and Brent did too).

We had a little fun with Gray too. We are always in awe of his chunky thighs, so we put him in the roasting pan. It gives new meaning to "turkey drumsticks".

Here is some video of Gray trying (and somewhat succeeding) at crawling. He is reallly trying but he hasn't quite figured it all out yet. With a little determination, he can still make it across the room. I knew this would happen right around the time we had our Christmas tree and decorations up.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Fall Ya'll

We have had a few days of beautiful weather. Not really Fall-like since we have had temps in the mid-70s. But it has given us another chance to play outside and just enjoy the beautiful weather. Gray is having a great time playing in the leaves. There is also a pic of both boys in their matching knit caps for this winter. It is hard to tell but they both have a plaid train on them.

Today Griffin had his preschool Thanksgiving program. He has been practicing some of the songs at home every morning. One of them is about an acorn and he is pretty good at this one. I am sending a video of him singing it. Check out his Indian Chief hat.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Man with the Yellow Hat

I just need to get this off my chest... every night I read at least two stories from the Curious George Treasury. I know I am probably a bad sport and should be cherishing the time I have spent reading with my son, but I get tired along the way. Whenever I reading the Curious George stories, I just can't help but think how much FASTER I could read the story if the "the man with the yellow hat" just had a simple name liked "Bob". I mean think about it. The stories would always start out... "This is George. He is a good little monkey but always very curious. He lives with his friend, Bob". I guess it doesn't have have same ring to it, but boy, would it save me some time.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Playing Around This Morning

This morning Griffin was playing a cross between doctor and a fire fighter with his archaeic tool box (complete with wooden hammer and screwdriver-YIKES). Brent probably more correctly labeled him as a paramedic. Anyway he has been all over the house fixing Gray's "hip infection" (not sure where he got that one) to putting soup on my knee (it is a chilly morning outside).
It always seems WAY to early in the morning for "getting" my son's sense of humor. Lately it is a cross between Beavis and Butthead ("Mommy, you said BOTTOM- that's funny") and Erkel (see photo of my skinny child with his pj pants pulled up high). I guess it is just having a boy, but I just can't force myself to laugh every time we rehash this.
Sweet little Gray is hitting more of his separation anxiety phase where he does not like me to leave his sight. This morning I finally had to pull him into the kitchen so I could unload the dishwasher. He is into everything. Here he is playing peek-a-boo with the curtain to our kitchen island.