Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This week

This week we have been getting ready for our first family camping trip. We practiced putting the tent together in our side yard. Not too bad for the first try. The boys have been so super sweet with Ashby lately. They adore their little sister. Griffin has decided he wants to start trying to give her a bottle before bedtime.
Gray likes to help her take her bath in the sink.
Griffin insisted on helping her accesorize with some sunglasses.
And just this week, Ashby has decided to pull up to stand on some toys. I just looked over one day and there she was just standing. Such a big girl!


Griffin has been coming home with some interesting comments lately. Today he was saying that the word, "cheesy", was a bad word. When he described it, he said, "it's like if you are looking funny, like you are wearing overalls and underpants with no pants and a tie on". Where do they get these things?

He also said the word, "yes" is disrespectful. But not all the time. Only if you are winning a race and you yell out, "yes!", to the other people.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daddy's Shoes

So Brent has been having a hard time finding some new dress shoes for work. Last week he bought some bit loafers online and has been trying to decide whether or not to keep them. In the past he has been bad about wearing something once, deciding he doesn't like it, and then never wearing it again. Since this was a bigger purchase, he has been torn. This morning he came downstairs all dressed for work and said, "I think I am going to keep them. You know- branch out a little". Griffin took one look at him and said, "Dad, I think those shoes are a little girlish". Back in the box the shoes went, and I am pretty sure they are back to the store:)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Strawberry picking

This afternoon we went strawberry picking as a family. It was such a beautiful day. The berry fields were pretty picked over, but we had fun anyway. Coincidentally there was a big Spider Man emblem on the side of an overhang, so the boys did their best web spinning manuevers.

Ashby loved the berries.

A big mouthful!

Griffin was very particular about picking the berries- no green parts whatsoever. Gray was our power picker and less selective about his berries. He still did a great job.

The week of Mother's Day

Mimi and Papa came in town last week to visit us. Papa hurt his back a bit, but he wa still able to sword fight with the boys. Mimi spent the week with us. A quick pic of her and Ashby.
Random other pictures- Ashby in the bath.
Drying off.
Brent and I went to a belated anniversary dinner at LeMaire. It was a nice evening. 10 years has gone by fast!
Lastly a quick picture from Mother's Day. It was kind of crazy. We were almost late for church when I spilled formula all over my clothes. So a quick change and quick pic before we raced out the door. Happy Mother's Day everyone!!