Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tarzan the painter

We had "Rock the painter" come and start our trim work yesterday. Griffin peeked outside and said, "Mommy, that guy looks a little like Tarzan". I am not sure he even knows who Tarzan is. Later we were talking to Rock and Griffin asked him if he wore jammies when he went to bed. I was worried about where this line of questioning was going. Mainly because he told his Sunday School teachers at church that his Daddy sleeps in his boxers at home. They thought it was pretty funny. We may have to work on the privacy thing a bit.

Monday, May 26, 2008


After about 5 months...we finally got a piece of furniture for our entryway. The other two pieces that we ordered were horribly scratched up. So we found a new piece that we liked even better and this one is solid. It is kind of big for the space but we won't be in this house forever anyway.


I came downstairs this afternoon to hear Griffin cracking up and saying, "Gray has a little junk in his trunk". We may have to tone our comments down a little before Gray develops a complex.


On Sunday Brent decided that it was finally time for Griffin to get a "summer haircut" and he was going to do it himself. I was more than a little nervous about it. We were going from his hair being about 2 1/2 inches long to about an inch long. This is what landed on the deck.
Mr Buzzcut does look pretty cute. He complained a ton about being itchy.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


We are staying put this Memorial Day weekend and I am glad to just have some down-time. Yesterday we did some yardwork. I finally planted my flower boxes for the deck. This year I am trying Gerbera daisies so we will see how they do. I got really tired of dead-heading petunias last year. The boys had a great time playing in the yard.
Later in the afternoon we headed up to church to help with Caritas. This is such a great project to start getting our kids involved in. I know they don't "get it" quite yet but someday they will. It was funny to hear Griffin try to make sense of it all. We tried to briefly explain what Caritas was and that it was such a good thing to make dinner for the families and eat with them. On the way there he kept asking, "How is Gray going to Caritas?" (he turned it into a verb:) and later he said, "I had fun Caritasing". At least we have a start.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I think we may be in trouble with Gray. He is already more rebellious than Griffin ever was. He gets into everything- the trashcan, the toilet, and the dog bowls. And he is most definitely fearless. If I say "no", he just smiles and goes for it. I took the boys to the playground this afternoon. He went head first down every slide that he could climb up to (which was 4 out of the 6). He didn't even bat an eyelash. Not too bad for a kid who started walking about 2 weeks ago.

Love my shoes

This kid really loves his new running shoes. He puts them on before anything else. I think he would sleep in them if I let him.


We have had a few days of great weather. Perfect time to spend with our friends, Joey, Kaleigh, and Meghan. On Monday afternoon we hit the botanical gardens. My camera wasn't working so no pics of that. Gray loved the sand box which mostly consisted of him eating quite a bit of sand. Yesterday Kaleigh and the gang came over. We tried to get a few pictures of Griffin and Kaleigh after a kiss-and-makeup session. At first Griffin wasn't cooperating. Then he agreed to smile a bit.
Of course he was bribed to be the kisser in this pic.
Best buddies!
Gray never misses a photo op.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Field trip

Griff's class had a field trip today. They went to Maymont and we walked around a lot and had a picnic lunch. Most of the moms of boys in the class spent the entire time taking turns chasing the boys down. Here is Griffin being a "leader" even though he does not know where he is headed. Avery, Ava, and Morganne posing with the bear. Why is it that the girls will just hold still and smile for the camera?
Griffin with one of his best buds, Kellan.

An attempt to get all the kids in the class together for one picture. Take one.
The boys were into adventure- climbing rocks, trudging through plants (poison ivy, anyone?), and just having a great time.
Griffin and the bear.

Griffin and Reed climbing on a rock.
Class picture- take two.

Hanging out after the picnic. There are some statues of children playing and a dog. The kids had a great time climbing all over them.

Elvis Presley and his man

Today we were driving past the Stonewall Jackson monument when Griffin noticed the statue. He asked who it was so I told him. Then he said, "I never met him before". So I told him that Stonewall was already dead so he couldn't meet him. To which he asked, "Oh. So is he Elvis Presley's husband?". No, I am pretty sure he isn't.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Travels with God

This morning Griffin and I had a little talk about how God watches us everyday and is all around us. He found this interesting and started his own little monologue and where God was in our house ("I see him behind Gray and he is giving him a hug"). This is kind of how the monogue went..."One time God and I were going to the mountains and I rode the black horse with the lion saddle and God had the gray elephant. After that I rode my bike and God walked because God's bike was in heaven. And Great-Grandpa has his bike in heaven too".

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mothers Day tea

This morning Griffin's preschool hosted a Mother's Day tea. The kids performed a little musical program which was really cute. Here is a video of the kids singing one of the songs. After the program, we were invited back to the classroom for a "tea". It was so cute. The kids had set up a seat for each mom with a card, flower cookies, and pink lemonade. The kids were so excited to have us there.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Walking Man

Gray is finally walking and taking off pretty well. We got him some new shoes today. Here is some video from this weekend.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Strawberry picking

This morning my mom and I took the boys strawberry picking. My camera wasn't working so I don't have any of the super cute pictures of them in the fields. They had a good time. Gray wouldn't eat any of the berries but he did stand around and hold them for awhile. Griffin didn't want to really pick any berries but he did instruct us a bit. Their favorite part by far was the hayride to and from the fields. The strawberries were so huge. Needless to say we ended up with a ton of berries- 22 lbs to be exact which is about $50 worth of berries in case you need some help with the math. So tonight for Cinque de Mayo we are having fresh strawberry margaritas and fresh strawberry pie. And I am currently looking up how to make strawberry freezer jam. We may turn a pinkish-red color before the berries are gone. Happy Cinque de Mayo!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Latest purchase

Thanks to some birthday money, I was able to buy myself a new purse. I love this bag- it is bigger than I normally go for but it holds everything I need (including sippy cups).