Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fuqua reunion weekend

This weekend I had 6 of the Fuqua ladies come to see me. It was the first time in 3 years that we have all gotten together. We tried this trip in February, but everyone's flights got cancelled due to snow. This time worked much better! We had people flying in from Indy, Atlanta, Charlotte, Newark, and Connecticut. Gray was gracious enough to give up his room for our guests. The boys camped out in their tent.

We did a ladies lunch at Feathernesters. There was a big group of the purple ladies with the red hats. Alexis promised me that you would never see this is Jersey:)

A quick shot before heading out to dinner. We had a wonderful time! It was fun to hang out without the kids. We realized at dinner that night that we had 15 kids among the whole group. A lot has changed in 6 years!

Cheeto face

Ashby is not a big fan of feeding herself, and her pediatrician wanted me to work on it. I kept trying to think of something that she would love enough to hold onto. Well it seems a Cheeto has worked it's magic.
She also has two teeth now. Finally!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big time adventure

Today Griffin went outside in the backyard for "an adventure". A few minutes later he came back in screaming about some terrible things that happened while he was outside. The worst part of the adventure was that "an ant crawled on his hand". I think he may need to work on his attitude a little bit.