Sunday, May 25, 2008


We are staying put this Memorial Day weekend and I am glad to just have some down-time. Yesterday we did some yardwork. I finally planted my flower boxes for the deck. This year I am trying Gerbera daisies so we will see how they do. I got really tired of dead-heading petunias last year. The boys had a great time playing in the yard.
Later in the afternoon we headed up to church to help with Caritas. This is such a great project to start getting our kids involved in. I know they don't "get it" quite yet but someday they will. It was funny to hear Griffin try to make sense of it all. We tried to briefly explain what Caritas was and that it was such a good thing to make dinner for the families and eat with them. On the way there he kept asking, "How is Gray going to Caritas?" (he turned it into a verb:) and later he said, "I had fun Caritasing". At least we have a start.

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