Saturday, December 20, 2008

Not Getting It

This year Griffin and Gray received a nice card and gift from our friends, Teresa and David and their girls, Annabelle and Adaline. The gift was from the church's Mission Mall and it was a hammer given in their honor. I gave Griffin the card (and he was VERY excited about the hammer) but tried to explain to him the purpose of the Mission Mall and the gift. He just kept asking when he could touch the hammer and check it out. Later that evening we had a rehearsal for the Christmas pageant at church. I made a comment about how Griffin should tell Annabelle "thank you" for the gift. At the practice Teresa came up to me laughing and said that Griffin marched up to here and said, "Why did you buy me a hammer and then give it someone else?". Not quite getting it:)

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That's awesome. I just love the funny things they come up with. Merry Christmas!!