Monday, December 22, 2008

Exciting morning

Today right before I was scheduled to go to the gym (for the first time all week), Griffin slammed his fingers in the car door. He was majorly upset and cried forever. His middle finger was really swollen at the first knuckle and started to turn blue. So we cancelled the gym and ended up at Patient First. Luckily he was easily distracted by the people working there and mesmerized by the x-ray machine. Gray had some stickers to keep him busy. So one hour later, we have one very swollen and bruised (but not broken) finger and a much happier boy. We made it just in time to hit McDonalds and meet the contractor at the house we are looking at.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I just saw your comment on FB and so checked here to see if you had posted anything. What a nightmare!!!! I'm so glad he's ok. That's one of my biggest fears as a mommy.

Are you moving?