Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Car distinction

For anyone who is around Griffin regularly, you are already familiar with this. He is really interested in the differences between all types of cars specifically SUVs, minivans, and station wagons (AKA "mom mobiles"). He wants to know which ones have "swipers" on the back and knows that pick up trucks do not have swipers on the back. He is constantly talking about what kind of car everyone drives. The other night he was watching out the front windows and started yelling, "Mom, Brent's green sedan is here!". Funny to hear that coming out of a 3-year-old's mouth. It is also challenging to come up with a good description of what makes a car a sedan or station wagon. Then we also have to discuss jeeps and why some have tires and "tire bags" on the back and some do not. I will keep working on it.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hahahaha...I love it. I think it's hysterical to hear them call us by our first names...sometimes J calls me "JennyMama"!