Friday, January 18, 2008

Sick baby and home repairs

Poor Gray has been a sick little guy over the past two days. He has had a clear runny nose for awhile, but we thought it was just teething. Then on Wednesday he started acting more sick. Nothing major, just not like himself. Yesterday was much worse. We got a nice dusting of snow which was pretty but made it a cold wet day. Then he just started acting super cranky. I felt so bad for him. He had a nice fever of 102 and just slept a lot. He was willing to just sit on my lap and lay against my chest so I knew something was up. When he did try to play yesterday, it seemed like the fates were against him. He got his fingers stuck in a lunch box and the toy box lid hit him in the head. Today he is better, but I took him in to see his doctor just in case. He officially has his first ear infection! At least I can get some antibiotics in him this weekend so he will start feeling better.

Griffin got another note sent home from school yesterday Apparently he is refusing to sing during music time. It said that he says he "is tired" and doesn't even try to participate. I don't get it because he normally sings all the time (we can't keep him quiet). So we both talked with him and hopefully he will do better next week. I am saving the note so I can show it to him one day when he is all grown up.

Other happenings...we are finally getting our kitchen ceiling repaired and our front porch roof fixed. It is nice to have the work started so we don't have to think about it anymore. The plaster guy, Mr. Norman, was great. He spent a large part of his workday fielding questions from Griffin. Griffin just kept going up to him over and over and asking him questions. And he did boss him around a little in true 3-year-old fashion.

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