Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Recovery week

I know we always go through this, but it still sucks. We are in the middle of what I will call "recovery week". It is when we try to get Griffin back to normal expectations after being on vacation which also includes some heavy duty spoiling by the grandparents. I think Griffin is also going through a rebellious phase where he tests everything out. I WISH reverse psychology would work. It is very predictible. If I say, "come here", then he runs away. If I say, "share that toy with your brother", then he takes the toy as far away from Gray as possible. He basically runs away from us when he need to help him get dressed, brush teeth, etc. We have tried different strategies and none are working very well. The best case is to put him in his room in time out and not let him out for awhile. Or occasionally we can tell him to go to his room and he actually does it. But both of these are so time consuming especially in light of how often his disobeying us. Gray is the easy one right now. That will soon change. He is trying to cruise already but falls over and hits his head on the hardwoods 90% of the time. One cute thing is that he is kind of dancing to music and doing a little squat butt-shake kind of thing.

This afternoon we went furniture shopping, and by the end, it was such a mess. Griffin used to just drive a little train on a table, but now he is full on jumping and climbing on furniture. He is all over the place. I guess we know better for next time.

I can't believe it is already 2008. No new years resolutions yet, but we have some plans for the house. Lots of little repairs and home maintenance items (necessary) and a few fun things. Brent bought himself a new tv. He loves comparing the HD channels with the regular channels. I am trying to find a bombe chest for our foyer. The other desired item on my list is a Bissell Heatpro steam vac. Very exciting, I know.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I got a steamvac for Christmas too! I want to put all of my dorkalicious gifts I got for Christmas that I am so excited about...

I call the beastly week after a grandparents hangover. And we have the same thing this week. We will survive!!!!!!!!!!