Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Different strokes

I know all kids are different. But when it comes to our two boys, their eating habits couldn't be more different. As most of you know, Griffin is our skinny kid and Gray is our sturdy little fellow. Based on that alone, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at how they eat. Griffin could easily be a vegetarian and loves all fruits and veggies. When he was little, we would go to Outback Steakhouse for dinner and he would eat a huge bowl of plain steamed broccoli in its entirety. Not much has changed. Gray on the other hand will eat almost anything and seems to be a carb man. He starts to shriek when he sees bananas, waffles, bread, pasta, and let's not forget...meatballs. It is funny to watch him just attack his food. So tonight I made green beans, swedish meatballs, and salad. Griffin ate his yellow peppers off his salad first and gobbled up his green beans. I finally talked him into eating his meatballs but he would not even consider touching the pasta. I think the only reason he tried the meatballs is because I was jokingly calling Gray, "meatball head". Gray was swiping huge handfulls of pasta and meatballs in his mouth as fast as he could and left all the green beans behind. Funny how different they are!

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