Thursday, October 18, 2007

That's Silly Indeed

Conversations with toddlers are so crazy. Here is an example of the dialogue between myself and Griffin on the way to school this morning.

G: Mommy? I'm not a mermaid because I have feet.
M: You're right. You're a boy.
G: That's silly, indeed. (Indeed seems to be a new popular word lately)
G: Hey mom, look there's a firetruck. It says number 7.
M: That is a firetruck, but it says one and seven which means seventeen. The number one and then a seven means seventeen.
G: Oh. One is a Seven and one is a team. Just like soccer. When I play soccer, you have to run and do a soccer cheer just like on a team.

It just goes on like that forever. Very cute sometimes, but I never know which direction a conversation is heading.

Today we are heading up to the Ginter Park library to see a firetruck and meet with the firefighters. Griffin is very excited about it. Not sure how he knows this, but he swears that the firefighter's name is "Brooks". We will see.

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