Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Wocket Stole His Pockets

Man, did we have a long afternoon. When Griffin came home from school today, he was acting off. At first he said that he "couldn't talk quietly because there was something in his ear" so he had to talk loud. I thought he would finally take a good nap and wake up happy. But he just started crying and became hysterical about his ear hurting. So I took him into the doctor this afternoon, and he has fluid in both his ears. While we were there, I had the doctor look at his finger that he cut today on the playground at school. When they pulled the bandage off, it looked pretty bad. It was still bleeding 5 hours after he cut it, so they sent us to Patient First for stitches. Of course once we got to Patient First, they cleaned it up and looked at it again. And it suddenly just looked like a big scratch, and we ended up not getting stitches. Needless to say it has been a long afternoon and evening. Brent was able to meet us at Patient First and get us Chik Fil A for dinner so that was very helpful:)

Tonight when I was putting Griffin to bed, we read, "There's a Wocket in my Pocket", by Dr Suess. It was always one of my favorite books when I was little. We have read this book before at bedtime, but I guess it had been awhile. This time Griffin was asking all about what a wocket was. Then he started telling me that the wocket came into his room when he was sleeping with his door open. Apparently the wocket also opened up his drawers and took all the pockets off his jeans so now he doesn't have any jeans anymore. Who knew?

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