Thursday, June 26, 2008

Soccer camp and losing my mind

Griffin has been quite a character lately. I just don't get the almost 4-year-old male psyche. He has had soccer camp from 9-12 most mornings this week. He loves it and is pretty exhausted when I go to pick him up. But instead of resting when we get home, he gets aggressive. Walks up to me and headbutts me in the leg. Throws things. He is extra sassy.
He's just so weird about everything lately. He put his shorts on inside out this morning and refused to change them. He wants to be "first" in everything and will almost trip me to run ahead of me. I have almost zero patience for him.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

If it is any consolation, we have similar events that make me want to pull my hair out. It's like schizophrenia. I do think of you a lot b/c of past stories and feel like it gives me strength to think that you are going through the same types of things. So it MUST be normal! :)