Saturday, June 7, 2008

Freaking HOT

I don't have much to post, but the weather here is horrible. We have had our 2nd or 3rd day of 100 degree heat. Sticky super hot days. It is hard because both boys want to be outside, but I feel guilty having them outside with all the heat advisories rolling across the tv screen. Maybe the heat can explain Griffin's heinous behavior lately. All temper tantrums, sassy mouth, and just general disobedience. Yesterday was the worst- whenever I put him in time-out, he would try to hit me or half-heartedly "spit" at me. He is so strong-willed. I lost it finally, so he skipped dinner and went to bed by 6:30. I was DONE. Today was better but we still had a few battles.


J. Chapman said...

Mason is having those same temper tantrums and issues with the capper being very hard to put to bed. Ugh. Hopefully it is a phase!

Jenny said...

I'm glad someone else is thinking that too-Jack has been unbearable! I seriously haven't understood what in the heck is wrong with him-I want winter back.

Three Girls and a Daddy said...

Hang in there! I'm in the same and frustrated with temper tantrums. Where did her innocence go?!?!

Lori said...

It's been mid-90's here too and miserable...especially when you're 36 weeks pregnant! I feel guilty not taking my kids out, but they don't stay long when it's so hot! But inside they just want the TV on, which I don't allow all day! This weather is tough. Usually, we have our neighborhood pool, but because of some plumbing problems, it's not open yet! AUGHHG!