Monday, June 23, 2008

Round Two

I guess yesterday was round 2 for the Belding house. Griffin started feeling bad at church yesterday and was laying on one lady's lap when Brent went to pick him up. He came home and went right to bed (so unlike him). Then after his nap, he proceeded to get sick all over the house for the next few hours. He was pretty sweet about it saying things like, "Mommy, thank you for teaching me how to throw up in a bowl like a big boy". My Pleasure.

So now he seems fine but we have a down day. Maybe tomorrow he will be much better and can head off to soccer camp as planned.

Gray is talking a bit more. This morning he said, "yum" and "thank you". In the past few days we have had approximations of "cup", "car", "shoe", and "juice". Then he is starting to call Griffin, "guhguh". Kind of sweet.

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