Wednesday, May 6, 2009

NYC with Griffin

A few weekends ago Griffin and I flew to NYC to see Laura and her girls, Abby and Caroline. We had such a great time running around with them and the kids loved playing with each other. The pics are in reverse order for all the things we did. We spent a lot of time in Central Park, hit the zoo, went to the museum, and saw a Pinocchio marionette show in Central Park too. Lots of fun and a busy weekend. Here is Laura with Caroline at the puppet show. At the Museum of Natural History with Griffin. He loved the dinosaurs.

At first Griffin was scared of the dinosaurs. This lasted all of 5 seconds.

At the Central Park zoo.
Caroline, Abby, and Griffin checking out the puffins.
At Dylans Candy Bar.
I can't even really explain this one. Griffin was REALLY thirsty at lunch one day and I got him a Snapple. He was downing it. When he took the bottle down (completely empty I might add), he had given himself a hickie all around his mouth. It took 3 days to go away. It was hysterical.
Abby and Griffin playing in Central Park.

Laura and I at her new apartment.
The kiddos had such a great time together.
Playing on a playground at Central Park.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That looks like it was such a fun trip and what a special time for you and Griffin to just be alone! So sweet.