Thursday, October 2, 2008

Trouble maker

So far this year Griffin has not received any notes sent home, so I was kind of hopeful about the parent teacher conference next week. That was until today. I went to pick up Griffin in the "pick up" room and his teacher was waiting to talk to me. Apparently it was a rough day. A rough day includes pushing kids in music, getting put in time-out, hitting his teacher, and trying punch the 70-year-old music teacher in the stomach. So he lost play time as well. When I asked him why he did this, his only response was, "I didn't know that I hit the music teacher, I had my eyes closed". Hmmm, makes perfect sense. I know he is impulsive but sometimes it makes me wonder why other people's kids seem to just hold it together better and not act out. He is usually more active and less aggressive so I am not sure what was happening today.

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