Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Movie Night

Today was a great Fall day. Kind of cool but sunny too. This afternoon we carved 2 pumpkins. Griffin chose the "designs" but really didn't want any part of the carving or cleaning out the pumpkin.
Tonight some of our friends from playgroup hosted a Halloween movie night in their front yard. They had a huge inflatable projection screen, hay bales, Halloween lights, and some snacks. The kids loved eating popcorn and drinking hot chocolate.
Here is Kendall and Griffin passing out pumpkins to the kids.
Gray loved eating popcorn out of his tiny pumpkin.
We had a little visitor arrive in the neighbor's yard.
Mason and Kendall had seats up front.
Teresa and Dillon on the front porch.
Gray loved climbing on me more than actually watching the movie.
We watched The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

How fun is that?! What a great idea!