Monday, September 1, 2008

Last Pool Day

Happy Labor Day! We took the kids to the pool today and had a great time. The weather was warm but not too hot. Our pool had a big party with food and beer. It was such a relaxing morning. Gray let us put the floaties on him for the first time this summer. He had fun playing with Daddy.Over the past two weeks or so, Griffin has finally gotten the hang of swimming. During his private lessons, he spent the majority of the time negotiating with his teacher over which pool to swim in, whether or not to use goggles, and if he needed to go to the bathroom. It felt like a huge waste of money. But during his last lesson, he finally let go of the wall and actually did some true swimming. Since that day he has practiced a lot on his own and loves jumping in off the side and swimming to the ladder. He is also trying to use our camera more and more. Most of the time he gets lots of random shots but here is one of me that he got at the pool yesterday.It is so hard to believe that summer is finally wrapping up. I am ready for school to start back up so we can get in a routine. Our summer pool days are over.

Last but not least, some video of Griffin jumping in the pool and swimming to the side.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

The boys are getting SO big! And they're just precious!