Monday, December 8, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

A BIG THANK YOU to my friend, Carrie, for having a gingerbread decorating party at her house this morning for all of the kids. It was a lot of fun, and she was pretty amazing to let that many kids have icing all over her house:) Griffin is hard at work on his house (notice the tongue out as he is concentrating, just like his Daddy).
Gray with his house.

Here is a pic of Meghan and Kaleigh working on their houses. Or in Meghan's case, eating all the decorating supplies:)
Here is a shot of all the adorable creations that the kids made. I think they came out really well, and they are completely edible too:)

1 comment:

J. Chapman said...

oh, those are really cute! Mason and I made cinnamon cookie cutter ornaments this morning with Jennifer & Ian. Mason wants to do a gingerbread house, like we have done the past two years. But I am thinking about just doing the cookies this year, because I am not sure my sweet tooth will survive another year of looking, but not touching.