Friday, December 5, 2008

TV conversations

Today we were driving and Griffin said that he saw a cactus. I asked if it had prickly spines on it. Then he elaborated from there..."yeah, and it had red berries to make it look beautiful, and I am pretty sure I saw a chinchilla on the branches. Because you know chincillas love to climb on branches".

Another conversation involved the different kinds of teeth we have in our mouths and what shape they are. There are ones that are round, pointy ones called canines, and front ones shaped like rectangles. I recognized it from a recent episode of Sid the Science Kid.

Last night he defined the word, camouflage, as meaning "to hide". When I asked him where he learned that, he said, "Diego". I am pretty sure he has been watching a bit too much tv.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

But look what he is learning by watching TV.