This is my first attempt at the whole "blog" thing. I wanted to find a picture of the four of us, but that is easier said than done. Especially with a three-year-old who won't cooperate. So this is a cute picture of Brent with Gray from a few weeks ago.
Things have been hectic here in Richmond. Brent has been working crazy hours for the past two months. I am trying to just act in survival mode and keep everything together during the day.
Griffin has turned into a typical three-year-old...driving me crazy every chance he gets. He is SUCH a boy! I feel like everything he does requires climbing on something, jumping off of some surface, and pee or poop jokes. I think I have heard enough although Gray seems to think they are hysterical:) I guess it is good that someone gets the "Mr PeePee" and "poop nugget" jokes.
Gray is as sweet as can be. Very affectionate and good natured. As long as he is not hungry or sleepy, he is great! He is getting more social every day and really is exploring his hands. He is grabbing everything. I had him on the counter the other day, and he was tossing bags of chips, vitamin bottles, and anything else he could get his hands on. I will be having a hard time keeping up with him very soon.
That's all for now- just trying this on for size. It is sad to be so behind the times.
good job amanda!!! did your picture start out small or did you have to make it smaller?
What a good idea! Your family & friends across the country will be able to keep up to date. Can't wait to read more! Love to all!
What an awesome idea -- a electronic scrapbook of sorts! I can't wait to tune in next time for another edition of Belding life...
Blog? What's a blog? Kidding...I am impressed you found the time to set it up. You see how often I get updates out there. Will you make one for me too? I should have tried it long before Taylor stared walking..
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