Saturday, September 5, 2009

Yorktown Beach

Today we hit the road and went to Yorktown Beach. It was about an hour and a half away and we had a beautiful day. Griffin was most excited about bringing the cool Spiderman fishing pole he got for his birthday.
The beach area was really small with a shallow roped-off area. There were a ton of boats to watch sailing around.

Gray playing around with Daddy.
We got to build sand castles for a bit.
A quick shot of Ashby during a happy moment. There were very few of these.
We ran into some friends, Trent and Elisa, and their kids, Ashe, Connor, and Dorothy.
Griffin spent about 3 hours fishing today. He just stood in the water and kept casting over and over. It drew in a lot of kids.
Another shot of Ashby. I think she looks a lot like Brent in this one. Mini-Brent in a girly sunsuit.


Carrie said...

How fun!!

Jenny said...

Look at all those beach cuties! You had a great weather for a beach trip!