So I am way behind on posting pics from our Christmas this year. Partially because we got a new camera for Christmas and partially because I just can't seem to motivate to blog lately. Maybe it is being pregnant, tired, and trying to get our house ready to sell. Just maybe. So here are some pictures from our trip to Indiana. We vsited Brent's family for Christmas this year. It was very nice. We drove all day Christmas and got in late that night. Then we got back on the 30th. Our trip was pretty busy- a few different family Christmas celebrations and a retirement party for Linda. There are also some pictures of us at the Children's Museum. So here are the pics...
Our niece, Kara, opening her gifts.
Shari was excited to open her pajamas.
Silhouettes of the boys for Grandma.
Ted made a beautiful case for Great Grandpa's flag.
Griffin in his Helmet Heros helmet. He spend a lot of time running in circles. Surprise surprise.
Gray snuggling with Grandpa.
Opening gifts at Roger and Anita's house. Here are Craig, Hasmig, and Bennett.
Mollie showing off one of her gifts.
On the carousel at the Children's Museum.
Designing a dinosaur on the computer.
Gray loved spending time with his cousin, Rachael.
Climbing into the mummy exhibit.
Riding home eating hashbrowns. I am ashamed to say that one of Gray's few words is "Don" which refers to McDonalds. It might have something to do with Mommy's morning sickness diet of hashbrowns and egg mcmuffin with no egg almost every day. Poor kid. He will eat veggies someday.
Wait a minute. I was going to say that I have been way behind and need to start blogging again more and facebooking less - at least for privacy sake - if I was ever worried about it. ha ha
But, you threw me for a loop with all of that information at once. Getting your house ready to go on the market?
"Don" is as cute as Jenny's post about Starbuck's!
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