Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tom and Jerry

Lately Griffin is really into the cartoon Tom and Jerry. So today on the way up to Moms Group, he was talking about them a lot. Here is how it went.

G: Mom, Does Jerry have hair?
M: No, Jerry has fur.
G: Can I pet him?
M: I guess you can pet him one day.
G: I won't squeeze him. I don't want to hurt him. I want to hurt Tom with my light saber. Tom is the mean one.

Then a few minutes pass...
G: How do we get to Tom and Jerry's house?

After much explanation (about how Tom and Jerry weren't real which he could not accept), I finally told him that maybe his Dad would show him how to get to their house. Poor Brent is my excuse for a lot of things that I can't explain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oops - sorry! Not only did he watch it with Kara, but we gave him the DVD for his birthday! Oh well. And by the way, go ahead and blame Brent - it worked for me for years! :-)