Doesn't Griff look all GQ in his little church outfit? My mom got this for him and we needed him to wear it before the weather gets too warm. He is really into being "twins" with his Daddy, so he decided it was okay to wear since Daddy wears clothes like this to church too.

Yesterday I went to a big craft fair called The Bizarre Bazaar with a friend. I bought a few things including a cute sock monkey shirt for Gray and a few jars of
Cherry Republic salsa. I am in love with this stuff. It is kind of sweet and a little spicy. Very good- I highly recommend trying it if you haven't.
Last night we took the boys out to dinner at a Japanese steakhouse. Gray was a little worried about "the show" and the big flash of fire when they were cooking, but otherwise, he enjoyed it. He forgave them quickly once he figured out how good the food was. Griffin loved his chopsticks which he called a variety of things, including "chopsies", "chopsters", and "chopster sticks".
We got a few cute shots of the boys this weekend. Here is Griffin with his mohawk in the bathtub. And one of Gray too.

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