This morning Griffin was playing a cross between doctor and a fire fighter with his archaeic tool box (complete with wooden hammer and screwdriver-YIKES). Brent probably more correctly labeled him as a paramedic. Anyway he has been all over the house fixing Gray's "hip infection" (not sure where he got that one) to putting soup on my knee (it is a chilly morning outside).
It always seems WAY to early in the morning for "getting" my son's sense of humor. Lately it is a cross between Beavis and Butthead ("Mommy, you said BOTTOM- that's funny") and Erkel (see photo of my skinny child with his pj pants pulled up high). I guess it is just having a boy, but I just can't force myself to laugh every time we rehash this.
Sweet little Gray is hitting more of his separation anxiety phase where he does not like me to leave his sight. This morning I finally had to pull him into the kitchen so I could unload the dishwasher. He is into everything. Here he is playing peek-a-boo with the curtain to our kitchen island.
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