This week we had to put our dog, Elvis, to sleep. It was sad for us, but I definitely think it was the right decision. When we traveled over Christmas, he started to have trouble walking. We took him to the vet in Indy who said it was probably some sort of spinal lesion. We tried prednisone which seemed to really help. Over the past few weeks the prednisone has worked less and less. By Monday he couldn't even stand up to eat his food. It was sad to see him that way.
The kids are still feeling a little sad. On Tuesday afternoon we released some balloons to go to heaven to be with Elvis. That helped give them a bit of closure. We also got a book called, Dog Heaven, which the boys really love.
Here are a few pictures of the kids with Elvis from the past few weeks...

We will miss him. When we first rescued him, he was a nervous mess who wouldn't even take a dog treat out of our hands. In the end we had a loving (although still nervous) pet who was sweet with our kids and wanted to be in the mix of our family. What a sweet little guy.