Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Funny story

Last week the kids got out of school on Thursday because of the snow. I remember telling Griffin that I wondered if school was going to be cancelled for Friday too. He said, "Well, it is all up to Mrs Cribbs". I asked him, "why does Mrs Cribbs get to decide if you have school?". Griffin replied, "Well, she is the school canceller". Yes, Mrs Cribbs is the school guidance counselour. Thought that was a cute comment.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Brunch

On Saturday we took the kids to have a brunch with Santa at the botanical gardens. It is one of our favorite holiday things to do with the kids. Santa comes around to each table to talk with each kid. Then you can also go up and sit on his lap and read your Christmas list. Here are the 3 kids before the brunch started. Griffin was starving!
Santa dropped by the table for a visit with the boys.
Little Ashby has been sprung from her high chair.

She was very curious about Santa.
No crying this year!

Griffin read his list to Santa.
Gray was super excited to sit on his lap.
All 3 kids on Santa's lap.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Little bit of snow

On Monday we got a little bit of snow. Maybe 2 inches- enough to play in but not enough to keep Griffin home from school. So Gray and I went outside to play a bit. We built a little snowman to surprise Griffin when he got home.

Tomorrow school is already cancelled in anticipation of the snow we may get so hopefully we will have even more time in the snow. Should be fun:)