Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ashby's Morning Out

Today was Ashby's first day of Parents Morning Out. She wore her cute monogrammed outfit to school today:) Her teachers are Ms Lynn and Ms Laura (who Gray had 2 years ago) and she loved them. They said she did great and loved playing with the other kids. Here are a few shots before school. A quick shot of her new purple backpack for school this year. I love it!
In keeping with the theme of having school pictures on our front steps, I tried to get a few shots outside. It was hard to keep her from falling off the steps, but I got a few good ones. Here's our happy girl!
A quick picture in her classroom. She didn't cry at all:)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gray's First Day of Soccer

We had high hopes for Gray playing soccer this year. He said he wanted to do it and seemed super excited in the days leading up to it. We had a beautiful day for playing outside. This is a very impressive action shot in spite of the fact that he refused to play and pretty much cried the whole time:)

Here he is sitting on the sidelines. On Saturday afternoon he told me that he wanted to play soccer "in the backyard with Daddy" but not on a team. We'll see how next time goes.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gray's First Day of Preschool

Today was Gray's first official day of preschool. He was very excited especially since Griffin started school a few days ago. He will go 3 mornings per week! A quick shot in the church courtyard
Gray and his best buddy, Meghan.

A pic of Gray with his teachers- he was not in the mood for any more pictures so he refused to uncover his mouth.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Kindergarten Boy

Today was Griffin's first day of kindergarten. He seems to have a great teacher, and he is super excited about seeing his friends again tomorrow. Here he is before we left for the bus stop. Gotta get a picture of the 2 brothers.
Daddy went to the bus stop too. At first we thought he heard the bus leaving without us, but luckily that was not the case.

Gray was crying about walking up the hill, and Griffin offered to hold his hand and help him walk. Very sweet.
Daddy and Griffin waiting for the bus.
A quick squeeze for Mom.

Clowning around on top of the fire hydrant because what else is there to do?
As expected...he just hopped on the bus and took off. No worries at all. Just a happy sweet little boy heading off to kindergarten. That's the way it should be:)
When Griffin got home, I asked him about his favorite and least favorite parts of his day. He said that his favorite part was "working" and he didn't like playing outside because it was too hot. He also said that an older kid said he liked his backpack, so that was a highlight for him.
Later at bedtime he said that something was very sad. He said that "the most beautiful girl in his class was sad and cried on her mat at rest time". It was pretty cute to see how concerned he was about her.
Here's to hoping that he loves school as much tomorrow!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Griffin is almost a Mallard

This afternoon Griffin went to meet his teacher for kindergarten. He seemed to like her, and he was excited that he ran into an old friend from preschool. The boys all seemed to hit if off immediately. Griffin with his teacher for this school year.
Posing with the Mallard statue out front (that's the mascot)

Ready for school to start next week!