Sunday, May 31, 2009

Moving saga

So now we have officially moved in our new house- Yay!! The boys have actually been very good but it has been a long process. We weren't able to close on our old house, but we decided to go ahead on the new one. Thursday was our loading day for the movers so my job was to get the boys out of the house and keep them entertained. Our closing was supposed to be at 1:00 PM but it happened at 5 PM. What a long day. So we spent the night in a hotel (no one got to sleep until after 10 and Gray kept waking up in the middle of the night).

On Friday we have the movers and the painters at the new house by 8:30 AM. We also had visits from an electrician, Comcast, and Sears. It was very crazy but we wanted our phones, cable, and refrigerator before Monday. Luckily I got a sitter for the boys on Friday and I am pretty sure that was the best money I have ever spent. She took them to the Botanical Gardens for 4 hours, got them lunch at McDonalds, and then played with them at the new house. She was awesome.

Yesterday consisted of more painting and shuttling loads of stuff from the old house. My job was again to keep the kids out of trouble and prevent them from drowning in the waterfall in the backyard. It was a LOOOONNG day. I think I pulled the frisbee from the water about 15 times. Griffin also got a huge splinter in his foot which was an hour long debacle. I think he was so challenging because he was so tired. It took 3 adults (one of the painters helped us) to hold him down and get the splinter out of his foot. I swear I thought we were going to have to take him to Patient First to get that thing out. He used up so much energy that he fell asleep in the sunroom for 2 hours. It was wonderful- I got to sit on the screened-in porch and read the paper while listening to our waterfall (which will probably only be here another week or so). I feel like I haven't been much help with unpacking things or getting things organized. This pregnancy has been a lot harder on me and I am wiped out. Luckily I only have about 4 weeks left (June 30th is my c-section date) so I just need to hang in there. Stuff will get unpacked eventually.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

General update

Life has been pretty hectic at our house lately, but here's the latest update. We are closing on our new house next Thursday afternoon. Unfortunately we aren't able to close on our current house in time, but we think it should be done within the month. So we have about 8 days to finish packing and get out of our house. Not quite done but we are inching closer I guess:)

I had another ultrasound done yesterday at 34 weeks. We are still having a girl (good:) and she looks healthy. No problems with the kidneys, plenty of amniotic fluid, and no health concerns. The doctor estimated that she may already be 5 lbs 3 oz (sounds huge to me, especially considering Griffin was 6 lbs 6 oz at 38 1/2 weeks) and they could tell that she has some hair. We still don't have a name picked out, but I am planning on putting the pressure on Brent once we officially move into the new house.

Pleasant Fields

Last Friday my mom and I took the boys to Pleasant Fields farm to go strawberry picking. It is a family-owned farm and very low key. Much better than last year when we had to pay "admission" to go picking and spent $50 on strawberries. This place was great. We were the only ones out there and the boys could roam wherever they wanted to go.
Teamwork! Gray had a great time picking any kind of berry he could find- he did get a few green ones but overall did a good job.

Cheesing it up for the camera.

A quick picture with Mommy- why am I always the only one looking at the camera?

Loading the berries into boxes so we could take them home.

Field Trip

Last week Griffin's class took a field trip to Maymont. Here are some pictures from that morning. This is the first time I have ever seen one of the black bears up close where you can really see what they are doing.
Griffin and Marshall climbing on the rocks.
A few kids from his class- Sophia, Caleb, Marshall, and Ben.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's day

Here is a picture of the boys and I taken yesterday before church. It was a struggle (as always) to get Griffin to look at the camera. We had a pretty busy day. The boys made me breakfast and we went to church. Then we had Mexican for lunch, packed some boxes, and I got a massage in the afternoon. It is hard to believe that we are moving so soon:)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rainy Days

We have had a few rainy days in a row now. When we got home from the gym yesterday, I let the boys splash in the puddles for awhile. They had a blast and made a huge mess.

Gray was very upset about having to come inside. I even bribed him with pizza and that didn't work.
Luckily Griffin put on some music in his "studio" and they were happy to dance in their underwear for awhile.

NYC with Griffin

A few weekends ago Griffin and I flew to NYC to see Laura and her girls, Abby and Caroline. We had such a great time running around with them and the kids loved playing with each other. The pics are in reverse order for all the things we did. We spent a lot of time in Central Park, hit the zoo, went to the museum, and saw a Pinocchio marionette show in Central Park too. Lots of fun and a busy weekend. Here is Laura with Caroline at the puppet show. At the Museum of Natural History with Griffin. He loved the dinosaurs.

At first Griffin was scared of the dinosaurs. This lasted all of 5 seconds.

At the Central Park zoo.
Caroline, Abby, and Griffin checking out the puffins.
At Dylans Candy Bar.
I can't even really explain this one. Griffin was REALLY thirsty at lunch one day and I got him a Snapple. He was downing it. When he took the bottle down (completely empty I might add), he had given himself a hickie all around his mouth. It took 3 days to go away. It was hysterical.
Abby and Griffin playing in Central Park.

Laura and I at her new apartment.
The kiddos had such a great time together.
Playing on a playground at Central Park.