Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Elf on the Shelf

I know this concept is not new to a lot of people, but today we got our Elf on the Shelf kit in the mail. I didn't know this was something you could order, but I stumbled upon it the other day online. I think the boys will have a great time with it.

The package came Fed Ex today (so it's a big deal when they ring the doorbell and everything) and had lots of different stamps on it saying things like, "from the North Pole" and different country stamps. Here are the boys with their package from Santa. We opened up the package and this is what was inside... our own Elf on a Shelf and a storybook that accompanies it. The book talks about how Santa sends us an elf to watch us during the day and then report back to him at night (on who is naughty or nice). At night he flies back to the North Pole, and in the morning, he returns to your house in a different location. So every morning he is sitting somewhere new. There are a few rules- kids cannot touch the elf and the elf cannot talk to the kids. This so far has not stopped Griffin from talking to the elf anyway:)
Right now we have our elf on our fireplace mantel. Griffin has already informed me that he is going to find the elf tomorrow and wake me up to let me know where he is sitting. Great:) We are supposed to name our elf, anyone got any good ideas for names?

Thanksgiving program

So these pics are going to be hard to see, but they are the best we could do. Today Griffin had his Thanksgiving program at school, and it was really cute. Lots of turkey songs, an acorn song, followed by several politically incorrect Indian songs. But the kids had a fun time singing and the parents were really into it too. If you look carefully, you can see Griffin in the center of the front row wearing his green sweater vest (next to the kid in the yellow shirt). Everytime he caught us watching him, he would stop singing and point at us the whole time.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Little Indians in the leaves

Just a few pictures of the boys from the past week. This weekend Brent was working on the leaves and made a huge pile for the boys to play in. Even though it was freezing outside, they loved running around and jumping in the pile.
Here are 2 pictures of Griffin in his Indian costume that he made at school. They had a Thanksgiving Feast today and he got to wear it at the feast. I thought he looked pretty cute. We have been hearing a ton of Thanksgiving and Indian songs lately, so I am ready for the program at school tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


On the way home from the gym, Griffin started talking about Christmas (and how he wants a Pixos super station for the 100th time). I asked him what we could get Daddy, and he said, "teacups". When I asked him what kind of teacups he would want, he said, "well, sparkly ones, I suppose". I am sure Brent would LOVE sparkly teacups for Christmas.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today was the day

Yesterday I was just talking to Brent about whether or not we would get a big boy bed for Gray when we have to move or just keep him in the crib as long as possible. I was voting for keeping him in the crib. Brent just said, "well let's see, he's not trying to climb out yet". Well this morning I heard a big thump followed by crying. I went in Gray's room and found him on the floor just looking at me. So not even 24 hours after our conversation, he has climbed out of his crib once at least.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Catching you up

I guess I have been busy or maybe in an anti-blogging mood. I think mostly just busy. The boys are "playing" together a lot now (which should read more closely as screaming, fighting, arguing) so I am playing referee most of the time. It makes me want to pull my hair out:)

We are also starting the process of putting our house on the market. I think mid-January is the time we are shooting for. It is kind of scary with how bad the housing market is everywhere. And we are still having trouble with finding the perfect or quasi-perfect home for us to buy. So we are just going to have to wait and see how it all pans out.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Here are some pictures from our Halloween. Griffin spent the whole afternoon climbing a tree. A battle between Capt Hook and Peter Pan.
The Peter Pan Crew: Meghan (tiger lily), Kaleigh (tinkerbell), Griffin (Peter Pan), and Gray (Crocodile)

Best Buddies!

Wanna hop on the back of my big wheel?

Trick or Treating on Seminary Avenue

Brief footage of Griffin at his schools Halloween parade before the battery went dead.